Summer Mission with RISE Portland

On an early July morning, students and adults start filling the bleachers and turf field of Portland Fitzpatrick Stadium eager to greet 100+ kids, and even more eager to play soccer, basketball, football, field hockey, and track and field.

This summer, ADNE student ministry partnered with Rise Church and Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) in Portland, Maine to help lead an evangelistic sports camp for kids as a part of the ADNE summer mission trip. Rise Church is an ADNE church led by Rev. Dan & Carrie Wolf. Each day of sports camp, children from the community got to work on skills for their sport of choice while they also learned that they are created by God, loved by God, and have a purpose living for God. Our team helped with all aspects of the camp: setting up water coolers, giving the youngest kids a chance to take a break and play with bubbles and play-dough, leading a “huddle” of about six kids in discussion time, and even stepping in to help coach soccer!

At the beginning of the trip, we spent time at the start of the week in prayer for Portland, for the families of the kids who would attend the sports camp, and for God to work in and through our team. Our ADNE team was joined by a team from Florida and a team from Massachusetts. Throughout the week, friendships were formed with the other teams, and we had a great amount of unity as we all worked towards the same goal. It was so encouraging to see God’s faithfulness and the answered prayers, even and especially when our team was focused on staying hydrated, taking kids to the bathroom, and playing soccer without tripping over four-year-olds.


Children were curious about the Gospel and those from churched families joyfully shared about their faith and their church. We were able to welcome a community of refugee children and give them a chance to interact with other kids their age. On the last day of sports camp, one of our high school students led his huddle of five-year-olds in a prayer committing their lives to Christ. It was incredible to witness the doors the Holy Spirit was opening for ministry and the way this student shared the Gospel boldly and clearly. Overall,  it was a privilege to get to join in the work God is doing in Portland, to support the work of Rise Church in our diocese, and to unleash the gifts of the emerging generation for the building of the Kingdom.  

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